The photo on the left, is yet another excellent picture from the very well organized website, Rambling on my Hokkaido.
This is a snapshot of MiKuniToge 三国峠, which is about a 60 - 90 minutes drive from the center of Asahikawa.
From this angle, it looks like a rather dangerous drive along that very high and winding road.
When you actually drive across it though, it's NOT that scary. Although, it really should be.
Speaking of scary, I went to the Young Buds Kindergarten again today, for the first class of the new school year.
Naturally, I met all of the 1st year students 年少.
Most of them were calm and relaxed, but a few of them were very anxious and frightened, and feeling the whole gamut of childish emotions.
This happens to everyone, when you suddenly realize, that your mommy and daddy will not always be at your side, 24/7/365.
And that's just the beginning of a life story.
One of the girls in the new class, has lived in an English Speaking Country for more than one year, and she could understand everything I said, during our short lesson.
Another young girl came up to me to shake my hand, at the end of the lesson, just like all of the others, but she also gave me a big hug, and a kiss on the left cheek.
It was so sweet.
Please don't tell Ikuko, about this kiss and tell, story.
After that was all finished at about 12:00 noon, I drove back to my classroom to make and eat some more of that red soup Korean style ramen that I sometimes make for myself.
Starting at 13:00, I was back at the 神楽公民館英会話を楽しむ会.
I started off the conversation circle today, by talking about my boring Golden Week.
Usually, I travel far and wide around Hokkaido during GW, but this year I didn't, because of various reasons, as noted in my previous blogs.
Almost everyone else in the group had a travel tale to tell, and one young lady in particular, had prepared an interesting quiz, about how to read the names of some small towns and villages along Route 142, that runs between 釧路町 and 厚岸町 in Eastern Hokkaido.
I don't have enough time to reproduce all of the アイヌ語当て字語(漢字) here in this blog, but if you have a copy of the very detailed Hokkaido Super Mapple, somewhere in your home, you can look at it, and see for yourself.
I couldn't read 90% of the place names that she wrote upon the white board.
That was a great presentation Mrs. I!
Please do another one again sometime.