It was cold, dark and rainy all week, until Saturday morning.
Then the sun came out and it warmed up a bit, making for a pleasant Indian Summer 小春日和 kind of feeling.
I spent most of my time developing a new web site at the URL of www.everythingjapan.net .
It looks and feels much different than this web site, and has a completely different purpose.
The web site you are looking at now, started out about 6 years ago, and looked very different then, than it does today.
The only reason I started this web site way back then, was to give people more information about my classroom, than the Town Pages (Yellow Pages) in the telephone book could provide.
In fact, the web site was finished just in time, before the new telephone directories were shipped to everyone in Asahikawa.
I had put my URL www.snowmanjapan.net in my new advertisement, and didn't want people to try and access it, only to come up with a "FILE NOT FOUND" message, when they did so.
That would be very embarrassing, to say the least.
I used FrontPage 2000 to make my first web site, and even that simple to use software was a big challenge for me, at that time. My first web site had only about 5 web pages in it, and was very confusing for the user to navigate through.
A year or two later, I upgraded my software to FrontPage 2002 and bought a big thick book from Amazon dot COM, called the Developer's Guide.
This book helped a lot, and I learned how to make frames for the web site, making it easier to set up a navigation menu for the users.
After that, I was able to organize this web site much better and added many new items to the navigation menu, and several hundreds of pages of original content, to this web site. It was a big improvement.
In the year 2004, I discovered Marcomedia (now Adobe) software.
They had a software package called Studio MX, which contained Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Freehand and Flash.
When I first bought, installed and tried to use this software, I was overwhelmed by the number of menus and functions that this excellent software package has.
Again, I went to Amazon dot COM and bought a set of about 5 books, to help me learn how to use this new and amazing web development tool.
It wasn't easy, and I am still an amateur, but finally, I produced a small (for now) web site that you can see at www.everythingjapan.net
One of the things I discovered is, that DreamWeaver is so much more powerful than FrontPage, I began to wonder why I ever used FrontPage at all. The reason is, FrontPage is so much easier to learn for people like me, who are not very Techno Smart.
But, the good news is, I am becoming more knowledgeable about the internet and the IT industry in general, thanks in large part to my good friend Charles Hamel.
He has been working with computers and the internet for a lot longer than I have, and he has shown me so many things about IT, that he has removed the fish scales from my eyes, about the World Wide Web.
Thank you so much, my dear friend Charlie.
Then the sun came out and it warmed up a bit, making for a pleasant Indian Summer 小春日和 kind of feeling.
I spent most of my time developing a new web site at the URL of www.everythingjapan.net .
It looks and feels much different than this web site, and has a completely different purpose.
The web site you are looking at now, started out about 6 years ago, and looked very different then, than it does today.
The only reason I started this web site way back then, was to give people more information about my classroom, than the Town Pages (Yellow Pages) in the telephone book could provide.
In fact, the web site was finished just in time, before the new telephone directories were shipped to everyone in Asahikawa.
I had put my URL www.snowmanjapan.net in my new advertisement, and didn't want people to try and access it, only to come up with a "FILE NOT FOUND" message, when they did so.
That would be very embarrassing, to say the least.
I used FrontPage 2000 to make my first web site, and even that simple to use software was a big challenge for me, at that time. My first web site had only about 5 web pages in it, and was very confusing for the user to navigate through.
A year or two later, I upgraded my software to FrontPage 2002 and bought a big thick book from Amazon dot COM, called the Developer's Guide.
This book helped a lot, and I learned how to make frames for the web site, making it easier to set up a navigation menu for the users.
After that, I was able to organize this web site much better and added many new items to the navigation menu, and several hundreds of pages of original content, to this web site. It was a big improvement.
In the year 2004, I discovered Marcomedia (now Adobe) software.
They had a software package called Studio MX, which contained Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Freehand and Flash.
When I first bought, installed and tried to use this software, I was overwhelmed by the number of menus and functions that this excellent software package has.
Again, I went to Amazon dot COM and bought a set of about 5 books, to help me learn how to use this new and amazing web development tool.
It wasn't easy, and I am still an amateur, but finally, I produced a small (for now) web site that you can see at www.everythingjapan.net
One of the things I discovered is, that DreamWeaver is so much more powerful than FrontPage, I began to wonder why I ever used FrontPage at all. The reason is, FrontPage is so much easier to learn for people like me, who are not very Techno Smart.
But, the good news is, I am becoming more knowledgeable about the internet and the IT industry in general, thanks in large part to my good friend Charles Hamel.
He has been working with computers and the internet for a lot longer than I have, and he has shown me so many things about IT, that he has removed the fish scales from my eyes, about the World Wide Web.
Thank you so much, my dear friend Charlie.