Friday was the day when many kindergartens and elementary schools held their graduation ceremonies.
As a result, some of my students were absent from my classroom on that day.
I didn't have any classes on Saturday this week, so I took advantage of my extra free time, and drove all over the main city areas of Asahikawa, going through all of the major districts.
Something I haven't done for many months.
All of the major roads and sidewalks are completely clear of snow and ice.
Spring is most certainly here, in full force.
Many other people were out driving around, just for the fun of it, despite the high price of gasoline at the pump.
So what?!?
An automobile is no good if you can't use it when you want to.
Sunday was the Christian celebration of Easter.
As the story goes, Jesus was crucified on Good Friday, put into a grave, and then miraculously came back to life on Sunday, and rose up into heaven.
Sounds too good to be true?
To me, it sounds more like the story of the winter solstice, put into a different time frame.
None the less, millions upon millions of people all around the world, celebrate this occasion in many and varied ways.
For me, Sunday was just Another Day in Paradise.
At this time of the year in Hokkaido, anyone who goes outdoors, can see, taste, smell and feel this island coming back to life. Again.
Just like it does every year.
The cycles of the seasons.
Something you can really depend upon.