2008 March 4 Tuesday thru March 7 Friday.
The graduation season is upon us again, and today I was able to attend a gorgeous graduation party 謝恩会 for the JA Hokkaido Kosei Nursing School, which was held at a wedding palace known as Bloomington Hill in the TakaSagoDai 高砂台 area of this city.
In all years past, this event was held at the Palace Hotel or, more often, at the Grand Hotel in the downtown area.
This year was different.
I liked the atmosphere of this room, because of the very high A-shaped ceiling.
It had a sort of Northern European feel about it.
The food was pretty good as well, and the drinks were nothing special.
Also in attendance, was a retired physics professor, whom I have known for many years.
He sent his son to my school for a few months, before the son went off to Stony Brook New York, to study physics for himself.
After about four years in the USA, the son came back to Hokkaido, and got his PhD in physics from Hokkaido University.
When I went over and talked to the retired professor again tonight, he told me that his son was now living near Nagoya, and working for a very large and well known company that makes digital devices of many kinds.
His son is currently in the research department, developing a device that will merge mobile phones with GPS, and display a very detailed navigation map, to the end user.
That sounds like a very interesting project.
I'm sure he enjoys his work very much.
I enjoy my work also.
A work worth doing, is the best work of all.