I was not as hot this week, as it was last week, and I didn't need to turn on the cooling system.
About a month ago, my wife received a used digital camera from her younger sister.
It is a RICHO Caplio R2 5.0 Mega Pixel unit, and you can see it in the photo above/left. Ikuko almost never uses a camera, so I have developed the custom of taking this camera with me where ever I go.
It is by far, smaller than any other camera that I have, and it takes very good photos.
Now, I will never miss another photo opportunity because I didn't have a camera with me.
Thanks Yuki! This camera will be well used by me.
Not only does this camera take still photos, but it also takes motion video as well.
Plus, it can also be used as a voice recorder for sound only.
Isn't it amazing what electricity and magnetism can do.
On Monday, I had my last lesson with an 8 year old girl who has been coming to my classroom for about 5 years.
She and her family will be moving to Chitose because of her father's job.
I hope they can find a good English classroom in that city so that she can continue her studies there.
On Thursday at about 20:30 while I was walking the aisles at the next door supermarket, a beautiful young woman runs up to me saying; "ノーマン先生、ノーマン先生!"
She came right up to me and we looked at each other face to face.
I could not remember who she was, until she said; "I am Haruka".
As soon as I heard that, I knew exactly who she was.
I haven't seen her in about 3 years, but she and her brother who are fraternal twins 一卵性双生児, used to come to my classroom during their elementary school and junior high school days.
Now they are both 23 years old and attending universities in California USA.
How's that for a job well done, by all hands on deck.
It's a small world after all. Be kind to your neighbors.
About a month ago, my wife received a used digital camera from her younger sister.
It is a RICHO Caplio R2 5.0 Mega Pixel unit, and you can see it in the photo above/left. Ikuko almost never uses a camera, so I have developed the custom of taking this camera with me where ever I go.
It is by far, smaller than any other camera that I have, and it takes very good photos.
Now, I will never miss another photo opportunity because I didn't have a camera with me.
Thanks Yuki! This camera will be well used by me.
Not only does this camera take still photos, but it also takes motion video as well.
Plus, it can also be used as a voice recorder for sound only.
Isn't it amazing what electricity and magnetism can do.
On Monday, I had my last lesson with an 8 year old girl who has been coming to my classroom for about 5 years.
She and her family will be moving to Chitose because of her father's job.
I hope they can find a good English classroom in that city so that she can continue her studies there.
On Thursday at about 20:30 while I was walking the aisles at the next door supermarket, a beautiful young woman runs up to me saying; "ノーマン先生、ノーマン先生!"
She came right up to me and we looked at each other face to face.
I could not remember who she was, until she said; "I am Haruka".
As soon as I heard that, I knew exactly who she was.
I haven't seen her in about 3 years, but she and her brother who are fraternal twins 一卵性双生児, used to come to my classroom during their elementary school and junior high school days.
Now they are both 23 years old and attending universities in California USA.
How's that for a job well done, by all hands on deck.
It's a small world after all. Be kind to your neighbors.