Happy 12th Anniversary to the only child, that me and my wife have given birth to, together.
The child's name is; Snowman's American English Family Classroom.
Has it really been that long?
Yes, it has. But, that is not the whole story.
The idea for having my own Language Learning/Language Teaching Classroom, started more than 30 years ago.
That is the time, when I first visited Japan as a member of the USCG.
After one week at Yokota Air Base, I was flown to the tiny island of Iwo Jima 硫黄島, for a 12 month tour of duty.
It was at that time, and on that island, that I first began to learn the Japanese Language.
I really liked this new challenge, and I spent every spare moment learning how to speak, read and write this most beautiful of all pentatonic scale spoken languages.
A pentatonic scale, has only 5 notes in the octave.
Likewise, Japanese has only 5 vowel sounds あ い う え お in the ENTIRE LANGUAGE!
Is this unusual? Yes, very.
I can think of only one other modern language, that is spoken by enough people on this planet today, to rank in the TOP TEN INTERNET LANGUAGES, that has 5 or less vowel sounds.
That language is Spanish.
Anyway, since that time, I have spent countless hours learning the Japanese Language.
Now, it is a very useful tool in my daily life.
Not only that, but I know exactly what it is like for someone else to begin learning a totally new, and completely different foreign language, from the ground up.
If learning languages is interesting, wouldn't teaching them to other people be just the same, or even more interesting?
Yes, it would be. And it certainly has been. And it will continue to BE.
If you can make your most interesting hobby, into your life's work, you have a job in paradise.
A paradise that welcomes each and everyone, who is WILLING to put forth the EFFORT required to make it happen.
ABC is really C B A. Conceive, Believe, Achieve.
How simple is that? ABC, 123.
Back to basics, and a lifestyle that makes sense, in all aspects of that lifestyle.
If you really hate your present job, do yourself a big favor, and ask yourself this simple question.
"Did I, myself, go to this company and apply for a job, OR did the company come to my house, and force me at gun-point, to work long hours for little pay."
Which is it? I think we all know the answer to that question.
The child's name is; Snowman's American English Family Classroom.
Has it really been that long?
Yes, it has. But, that is not the whole story.
The idea for having my own Language Learning/Language Teaching Classroom, started more than 30 years ago.
That is the time, when I first visited Japan as a member of the USCG.
After one week at Yokota Air Base, I was flown to the tiny island of Iwo Jima 硫黄島, for a 12 month tour of duty.
It was at that time, and on that island, that I first began to learn the Japanese Language.
I really liked this new challenge, and I spent every spare moment learning how to speak, read and write this most beautiful of all pentatonic scale spoken languages.
A pentatonic scale, has only 5 notes in the octave.
Likewise, Japanese has only 5 vowel sounds あ い う え お in the ENTIRE LANGUAGE!
Is this unusual? Yes, very.
I can think of only one other modern language, that is spoken by enough people on this planet today, to rank in the TOP TEN INTERNET LANGUAGES, that has 5 or less vowel sounds.
That language is Spanish.
Anyway, since that time, I have spent countless hours learning the Japanese Language.
Now, it is a very useful tool in my daily life.
Not only that, but I know exactly what it is like for someone else to begin learning a totally new, and completely different foreign language, from the ground up.
If learning languages is interesting, wouldn't teaching them to other people be just the same, or even more interesting?
Yes, it would be. And it certainly has been. And it will continue to BE.
If you can make your most interesting hobby, into your life's work, you have a job in paradise.
A paradise that welcomes each and everyone, who is WILLING to put forth the EFFORT required to make it happen.
ABC is really C B A. Conceive, Believe, Achieve.
How simple is that? ABC, 123.
Back to basics, and a lifestyle that makes sense, in all aspects of that lifestyle.
If you really hate your present job, do yourself a big favor, and ask yourself this simple question.
"Did I, myself, go to this company and apply for a job, OR did the company come to my house, and force me at gun-point, to work long hours for little pay."
Which is it? I think we all know the answer to that question.